On 15th October 2018, the fifth edition of the Women Innovation Award for Women Farmers was held in Brussels. Prizes were awarded by Copa-Cogeca and supported by Austrian presidency, DG Agri as well as AnimalhealthEurope. Magdalena Węgiel won the competition.
These days, 30% of agricultural enterprises are run by women farmers. Women’s involvement in agriculture results in innovative projects and undertakings, which proves crucial for sustainable development of rural communities. Thirty-five projects initiated by the Women Innovation Award for Women Farmers demonstrate European innovation process.
Out of thirty-five eligible applications, the five most innovative were presented during the awards ceremony hosted by Maurizia Reale – the NAT Section President – and Czesław Siekierski – the Chair of COMAGRI. The award went to Magdalena Węgiel who was shortlisted by the National Council of Agricultural Chambers for the Ojcowski Trout aquaculture project aimed at reviving brown trout farming in the Ojców National Park.