Pstrąg Ojcowski


The Ojcowski Trout in the European Parliament!

On 7th March – on the eve of the international Women’s Day – we were privileged to participate in the Strong Rural Women 4 Strong Rural Europe conference organised by Copa-Cogeca and patronised by the members of the European Parliament Marijana Petir and Gabriela Zoană. A lot of prominent guests, including Magdalena Węgiel, delivered their speeches. Magdalena Węgiel pointed out how important it is to make rural women’s role more noticeable in Poland and Europe as well as how significant local authorities’ involvement is to introduce changes. We would like to thank for the invitation. As for you dear ladies, we wish you self-confidence and persistence. Magda and Agnieszka
#Equality4womenInAg #dziewczynyodpstragow #pstragojcowski